The GALENOS crowd has been formed to increase opportunities for people to be involved in evidence synthesis tasks. The GALENOS project involves multiple living systematic reviews, covering both human and non-human studies, within anxiety, depression and psychosis.

We will need to screen a large number of records for eligibility in our reviews. We invite people with some evidence synthesis experience to join our GALENOS crowd to help us carry out the systematic reviews.

The GALENOS crowd work is hosted on the Cochrane Crowd platform ( All members will receive training, depending on their level of experience, and a certificate of completion. Depending on the number of tasks completed, members will be rewarded with a certificate of acknowledgement, will be listed on the project website and named in publication appendices. Previous, and ongoing, successful examples of crowdsourcing tasks such as screening and data extraction include the Cochrane Crowd and the MHCOVID crowd (Salanti et al., 2022).

If you have any questions, please email us via our contact us page.

How To Get Involved

First Name

Last Name


Have you previously screened records for a systematic review?

Have you previously extracted data from records for a systematic review?


Upload your resume as docx or pdf with a maximum size of 2 mb.

Please click 'submit' to submit your form and we will be in touch with you, thank you.